Thank you John for stepping in at short notice to speak to us and present a very well researched Climate Change Report on 8 August. The following review was adapted from John's presentation slides, if readers wish to view John's original Climate Change Report slides in PDF format, click here. PARIS AGREEMENT 2016: AIM to hold the global temperature increase to well below 2 degrees C and pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.50 degrees C above pre –industrial levels • Target 1: 50% reduction in GHG(Greenhouse Gas)emissions by 2030 • Target 2 Net zero GHG emissions by 2050 • 196 countries agree: all develop NCDs(Nationally Determined Contributions) AFTER EIGHT YEARS …. • 2023 :Global average surface temperature 1.44 degrees C above pre industrial levels • Average sea surface temperature between 60N and 60S reached 20.96degrees C in August 2023, highest since records began • Venezuela the first country to lose all its glaciers-the sixth and last, Humbolt Glacier, in May this year. • We’re losing Arctic sea ice at a rate of almost 13% per decade, and over the past 30 years the oldest and thickest ice in the artic has declined by a stunning 95%. SO WHERE ARE WE GOING? • There is an 80% chance that the annual average global temperature will exceed 1.5% at least once in the next five years ,and there is a 47% chance that the entire 2024-2028 period will be above the 1.5% Paris target • Arctic warming is expected to be more than three times as large as the global average. • We are dangerously close to the tipping points which mean global warming becomes uncontrollable. DOES IT MATTER? • 3 Degrees C “a planet hotter than it has ever been in human history” (Mark Lynas) • Total collapse of West Antarctic ice sheet and much of Greenland ice sheet: 2 to 4 metres sea rise, flooding major cities. • 1/3 of global land area will be uninhabitable, collapse of current agriculture and significant loss of species HOW ABOUT NEW ZEALAND • New Zealand Governments current and past are failing in the global warming fight and ranks 34th in the current climate change performance index WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE? • Mitigation is the key to making adaption possible, without mitigation we will have a planet to which we cannot adapt • Need to lower the emissions reducing coal, oil and gas production and move to renewable energy sources ALL IS NOT LOST • New NDCs are due in 2025.An opportunity. This will be a chance to include air travel, sea travel and military activity • We are developing new technologies for Methane mitigation, carbon capture • Vehicle transport becoming increasingly electrified • Growth in renewable sources for energy: no more coal, oil and gas IT’S A RACE AGAINST TIME These are all very sobering facts however John did give us some action points we should all consider very seriously: |