Radio Breeze broadcaster and three-year City Councillor Damian impressed with his positive view of Dunedin and its environs. Born in Invercargill, where the absence of hills allowed him to bike everywhere, he was attracted to Dunedin’s music weekends while in his teens. He had nine years in broadcasting, initially doing the midnight to dawn shift in Invercargill, then moved to Queenstown before shifting to Dunedin in 1999. He currently hosts the 6:00am to 10:00am on “The Breeze”. Damian likes the size of Dunedin and the rarity of its wildlife. Loves the music scene and recommends “The Chills” movie. His positivity and admiration of our forebears’ ‘can-do’ attitude contribute to him being in favour of the waterfront development and our club’s community work. He would like to see us doing even more.
Damian Newell
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