Kerry delivered a very well-presented overview of key dates and events planned for the 150th celebrations which will include in excess of 175 events of which 35 are classified as major events.
The Exhibition Opening is over this coming Queens Birthday weekend - May 31 through to June 3. The organisers aim is to engage the city/community as much as possible and the objective is about moving forward but reflecting on the past. All are welcome to visit the University particularly the Campus. A book has been written and is being formally launched on March 15 at the University Staff Club 5.30pm. A Street Parade takes place the following day from the Dental School to the Octagon at 10.30am. Many different coloured gowns will be worn with a colour chart available to identify them. A service is also being held at Knox Church on June 2. Kerry donated a copy of the book to our club and left a small supply of key date promotional cards for interested members.