Geoff Simons - New Zealand Masters Games
Sport Liaison Coordinator Geoff Simons sits with Bruce Cowan at Rotary Dunedin lunch, March 28th

Geoff is part of a committee of 6 who organised the New Zealand Masters Games which were held in February in Dunedin this year. They had 4500 participants which was shy of their aim of 5000. Geoff grew up in Pine Hill and says he hasn’t gone very far, with his first job teaching at Logan Park High School. He has a long history in education and sports. He has been involved in Sports administration since the 1970’s. Personally he was involved in rugby and marathons, having run his final marathon in 2006. He has also been involved in organising multi sport events including multiple University Games. Geoff talked about the importance of volunteers as well as getting the balance between volunteers and paid employees right.
They found that the netball participation this year was well down. Croquet has the highest entry age of 40 years old and there is now a puzzling category. There is a wine tasting event as well as a Twilight event held over two nights including shooting and bowling activities. The overarching company is the Masters Games Board - they hold the contract with Dunedin City Council. The New Zealand Masters Games is trademarked.