7 April 2024
Bulletin Editor
Fiona Nyhof
Club Information
Thursdays at 12:00 PM
8 Stafford Street
Dunedin,  9016
New Zealand
Venue Map
Meeting Attendance
Members are encouraged to attend Thursday lunch meetings whenever they can. They are an opportunity for fellowship, to hear interesting speakers, and to catch up with our Club activities.
Remember that if you are unable to join our lunch meetings in person, we can still provide a Zoom option. Please contact President Katie for details of the link to use.
Meal Orders @ the dish cafe-
Please remember to pre-order your food and drink from the menu ahead of time.
New message from the cafe, April 2024
1. Pre-orders help us to be able to provide the service that you are all expecting and that we are happy with. 
2.When we receive orders at the counter it also affects our regular customers and their wait time. 
3.If we receive an order at the counter, it will come out after all the pre-orders and customer orders are complete, so there may be significant delays. 
For members and friends/guests who choose to come along but not purchase a Rotary lunch, a $5 contribution to room hire is applied by the cafe (see menu).  As a club, we appreciate the continued use of the venue facilities.
Email your order to by 11am
The Dish menu has been updated April 2024
The $20 lunch menu (includes a drink) can be
downloaded here.
Last week's speaker Rohan O' Shea
The 4-Way Speech competition was held at the club meeting last week.  Unfortunately there was only the one contestant, Rohan O’Shea from Otago Boys High School.
The tenets of the Rotary 4-Way Test are to form a basis of the speech on a topic of the speaker’s own choosing. Rohan chose to speak about vaping and its effect on the youth of the world, and gave a very good presentation. He was commended by judge Bruce Cowan and he will now become a finalist in the regional competition.
Current Rotary Dunedin volunteering opportunities
Otago Rally -  Sat 13th April from 1.30pm. 
Please contact Peter Jackson

Trees for Families - May 11th
Hole digging and preparation for planting at Rotary Park on May 11th, volunteers wanted - please contact Brian Daniels (
Planting event on Mothers Day, May 12th, to book a tree go to the Keep Dunedin Beautiful registration form
Circus Quikus, Monday May 13th
late afternoon / early evening.
Contact Bruce Cowan ( to volunteer to usher in the families to see the amazing show (not perform!).
Cheese Rolls 2024! 
Planning is underway to make approx. 500 dozen cheese rolls. We are taking orders until 10 May, production is 17/18 May and pickups are on 18th May. 
The Cheese Roll Order Form can be downloaded here.
It's a fun and not too onerous team task to make the products. We will be making the products in three shifts plus pre-prep and clean ups as scheduled below:
Friday 17th May, 2pm-4pm (pre-prep)
Friday 17th May, 4pm-7.30pm (production)
Friday 17th May, 7.30pm-8.30pm (clean up)
Saturday 18th May, 9am-12.30pm (production)
Saturday 18th May, 1pm- 4.30pm (production)
Saturday 18th May, 4.30pm-5.30pm (clean up)
Please volunteer yourself for a shift or whatever time frame that fits your schedule Friends and family joining in to help are of great help. We are looking for 10 volunteers per production shift!
A google form volunteer roster that you can fill in can be downloaded here or contact Fiona Nyhof (0274821103, or email to add your name.
Fun Fact: If 6000 Cheese Rolls, each 120 mm long, were placed end-to-end they would stretch from Petri Dish to the Octagon!
Worth waiting for ...
Brian Daniels reports

Photo L to R  Dennis, Josh and Greg Angell
It was 2 years ,10 Months and 30 days ago that Greg Angell generously purchased a fishing trip in the Youth Committee's charity auction supporting, at the time the charities of The Cancer Society and Chat Bus.
Due to weather, Covid, Taieri Mouth bar closures, work commitments and other stuff- the date was finally set for Easter Sunday just past.
Brian Daniels said the boys fished well bringing home 17 Blue Cod ,2 Groper and a Tarakihi .
Events coming up
Quiz night 11 April
Rotaract Dunedin are having a quiz night to raise funds for their community projects on Thu 11th at The Bog, from 7-9pm. Teams of 4-6, $10pp payment at the door by cash or bank transfer. Prizes for the top 3 teams. More info is on the  Rotaract Club of Dunedin Facebook page.
Rotary Dunedin Friendship/Fellowship event
May 30th
This will be an intercommittee event to give us the opportunity for fellowship above and beyond lunch meetings. It's a chance to catch up, chat, share news and discuss Rotary (or not), while enjoying some fun activities (watch this space, the inter-committee club challenge trophy may come out!).
It will be held in the early evening (5-7.30pm approx) so we can share a little bit of kai. Friends and family welcome. We are hoping someone in the club could home host this 'fireside forum' (fire not essential)-  But we can also opt for a venue - more info to follow. Contact Anna Thomas to volunteer to host, help or just ask for more information (027 551 1975,
Interested in being a sponsor?
Download the website sponsorship guide
Jonathan Usher (JR McKenzie Trustee 2013-2024) is back again to speak to us following the excellent JR McKenzie trust talk he presented to us back in early March. This time the topic is Participatory Philanthropy.
Future speakers
If you would like to hear from a particular speaker or have any speaker suggestions please advise John Drummond 
Apr 11, 2024
Participatory Philanthropy
Apr 18, 2024
Life in the newspaper business
Apr 25, 2024
May 02, 2024
The OU Marine Studies Centre
May 09, 2024
What is ESG and how does it impact investing?
May 16, 2024
“That Australia should become a province of NZ” John Drummond and Bruce Cowan argue the case for and
May 23, 2024
The impact of the Gold Rush on Dunedin (1861: start of Otago Gold Rush)
May 30, 2024
The international situation – an update
View entire list
If you would like to hear a particular speaker, or have any speaker suggestions please email John Drummond 

Duty Roster

Follow this link to the Duty Roster. 

The five week roster is the most accurate and members are urged to check the Duty Roster webpage regularly.


SPEAKER HOSTS please remember to send a summary of the Speakers presentation complete with photo to Fiona
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
David Neill
April 1
Neville Horne
April 25
Carole Adair
April 27
Keep Up With Us
Rotary International Convention, Singapore, 25-29 May 2024.

Jon Nabb's Run
An email was sent to members on Tuesday April 2nd regarding a request to support NZ Ultra Marathoner Jon Nabbs, who is raising funds for Child Cancer and at the same time hoping to set a Guinness World Record with a run from Bluff to Cape Reinga.
He will be in running Balclutha to Dunedin on 15th April and Dunedin to Hampden on 16th April.
He is looking for overnight accommodation in Dunedin on 15th, a massage and a meal, and witnesses to the run on the sections between Balclutha and Hampden.
Please email the bulletin editor if you want the email message to be resent to you. 

Have you seen any Fantails this week? For some interesting facts about Fantail/piwakawaka check out Doc's website:
Tweet from Bulletin Editor Fiona - she has a new email address
Have a great week!