28 July 2024
Bulletin Editor
Fiona Nyhof
Club Information
Thursdays at 12:00 PM
8 Stafford Street
Dunedin,  9016
New Zealand
Venue Map
Meeting Attendance
Members are encouraged to attend Thursday lunch meetings whenever they can. They are an opportunity for fellowship, to hear interesting speakers, and to catch up with our Club activities.
Remember that if you are unable to join our lunch meetings in person, we can still provide a Zoom option. Please contact President Anna to request a link.
Meal Orders @ the dish cafe-
Please remember to pre-order your food and drink from the menu ahead of time. This assists the cafe provide us with good service and timely delivery.  
For members and friends/guests who choose to come along but not purchase a Rotary lunch, a $5 contribution to room hire is applied by the cafe (see menu).  As a club, we appreciate the continued use of the venue facilities.
Email your order to by 11am
Updated Lunch Menu
starts this week
The $20 Dish Cafe's lunch and drink menu was updated this week and starts 1st August. Click here to view.
Last week's speaker, Kelsey Porter
Kelsey Porter – Environmental Adventurer

Kelsey is a product of the USA, she describes herself as being an environmental adventurer. 
Fox Glacier
Kelsey moved to NZ to take up a job at Fox Glacier which quickly involved assisting the clean up 
after the West Coast floods 2019 where an old refuse landfill site was washed out and disposed 
a huge amount rubbish on beaches for miles up and down the coast. The cleanup was a 
massive effort and Kelsey was one of the key organisers. Govt and LA funding of $800K got 
things underway where thousands of volunteers and army were involved. A total of 241,600Kg 
was collected mostly by hand. After the cleanup the remainder of the landfill was dug out at a
cost of $3.3M. Kelsey spent 6 years at Fox.
There are 300 suspect landfill sites identified in NZ including Kettle Park – Dunedin
An opportunity came up for a Safety Coordinator at Mc Murdo Station and a 1 season stint 
turned into 2. Here Kelsey spent much of her time repairing gear, going out on the ice to form 
trails for the scientists. She showed pictures of Barn Glacier end wall which must have been 30 
– 40meters high. It was a very tough environment to live in particularly in winter. Holes were 
drilled in the ice to allow divers under the ice for research of marine life.
Keep Dunedin Beautiful
Kelsey applied for the manager role through the DCC and being successful moved to Dunedin 
with her partner. Her role here involves Trees for Families, Keep Dunedin Beautiful Awards and 
coordinating with National Cleanup Week. She makes applications for funding including the 
sale of T-shirts and also works with groups such as Rotary.
Hooray, we're underway at Rotary Park!
When a great plan came together, and the weather played ball!
A great team was on board this week to plant the first 171 of at least 500 native shrubs/trees/grasses planned to be planted this year.
The Thursday morning team lead by Peter Jackson (second from left)

Following a landscaping plan agreed between us and the DCC, specific areas of planting will be allocated to each of our five partner clubs. This week we started with our club's 'Area E' so that we could all learn together how to set out and plant the plants according to the plan.
Starting at 9.30am on Thursday morning 25th July, brilliant weather greeted the Rotarians who set to work by setting out all the required holes. DCC had delivered a truckload of mulch and it was all moved down to the planting site.
Continuing on in nice weather on Friday morning, the volunteer team used a motorised auger and had all the holes done by 11am! Team leader Peter Jackson also reported that DCC staff came up & were happy with what we were doing. 
It's great when a good plan comes together. Today (Sunday 28 July) was planting day and 20 people turned up to plant, install plant protectors and put the weed mat in place. From the photos it's clear the volunteers enjoyed the work, the camaraderie and the view, especially while having morning tea. Robert Gale demonstrated the planting, and it was a celebratory moment with a great hooray when the first tree was in the ground!
The light rain showers would also be great for the plants, which incidentally, will need to be looked after for the next three years. This will be done by each of the participating Rotary clubs (Dunedin, Dunedin Central, Dunedin South, Harbour, St Kilda and Taieri) at their designated planting area.
Thanks Volunteers, YOU ROCK!
Special Events Coming Up 
Thursday 8th August Rotaract Quiz Night fundraising for Days for Girls. 7-9pm at The Bog. $10pp
Make up at team of 4 -6 persons and support the enthusiastic Rotaractors
Thursday 12th September Fellowship at Five, meet at 5pm at the Ironic Bar and Cafe 
Mystery Dinner in November
Bulletin Editor Fiona's new email address
Interested in being a sponsor?
Download the website sponsorship guide
District Governor 9999 2024-2025 Dave McKissock is out on his adventures touring the entire South Island Rotary district 'territory'. Dave is scheduled to join our lunch meeting this week to chat about the work we do for Rotary and tell us about his vision for the Rotary year ahead. 
Future speakers
If you would like to hear from a particular speaker or have any speaker suggestions please advise John Drummond 
Please share it with people and invite them to visit us for a lunch meeting soon!
Aug 01, 2024
Dave will speak about the Rotary year ahead
Aug 08, 2024
Modernising a NZ icon: The RSA in 2024
Aug 15, 2024
Dunedin Craft Distillers
Aug 22, 2024
Rutherford Waddell and the abolition of sweatshops in Dunedin
Aug 29, 2024
Sep 05, 2024
CEO of Age Concern, Dunedin
Sep 12, 2024
Rotary Peace Activator
Sep 12, 2024
Fellowship meeting off site at Ironic Cafe and Bar, 9 Anzac Ave
View entire list
If you would like to hear a particular speaker, or have any speaker suggestions please email John Drummond 

Duty Roster

Follow this link to the Duty Roster. 

The five week roster is the most accurate and members are urged to check the Duty Roster webpage regularly.


SPEAKER HOSTS please remember to send a summary of the Speakers presentation complete with photo to Fiona
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
David Ojala
July 10
Ron Mackintosh
July 16
Join Date
Brian Daniels
July 2, 1987
37 years
David McEwen
July 2, 2020
4 years
Peter Gouverneur
July 5, 2007
17 years
David Ojala
July 15, 1994
30 years
Carmen Houlahan
July 17, 2017
7 years
Lynne Guy
July 23, 2009
15 years
Katie Slaughter
July 29, 2010
14 years
Keep Up With Us
Interested in Interplast?
Interplast is a Rotary affiliated international organization that sends a team of qualified medical professionals to carry out plastic and reconstructive surgery. The Australia NZ arm of the organisation help people in the Pacific and Asian region who otherwise wouldn't be able to access this service. If you'd like to learn more about Interplast read about it here and talk with our district rep and fellow member Bruce Cowan about it.
Click here to follow District Governor Dave on his adventures around the South Island District 9999 on his Facebook page,
Mystery Dinner Fundraiser in November
Premium Vector | Cute little chef kids bake cookies 14
We are planning to bring back the "Mystery Dinner" fund raiser this year - on 24 November.
Funds raised will support Interplast.
But, before we can make more plans for a great night out, the Management team are looking for people who'd be willing to host. 
Each host would provide a 3-course meal at own cost for 6-8 guests who pay $50.00 pp. BYO. 7pm start 24 Nov.
You could be innovative with this, for example, co-host with another person.
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Lynne Guy