09 June 2024
Bulletin Editor
Fiona Nyhof
Club Information
Thursdays at 12:00 PM
8 Stafford Street
Dunedin,  9016
New Zealand
Venue Map
Meeting Attendance
Members are encouraged to attend Thursday lunch meetings whenever they can. They are an opportunity for fellowship, to hear interesting speakers, and to catch up with our Club activities.
Remember that if you are unable to join our lunch meetings in person, we can still provide a Zoom option. Please contact President Katie for details of the link to use.
Meal Orders @ the dish cafe-
Please remember to pre-order your food and drink from the menu ahead of time. This assists the cafe provide us with good service and timely delivery.  
For members and friends/guests who choose to come along but not purchase a Rotary lunch, a $5 contribution to room hire is applied by the cafe (see menu).  As a club, we appreciate the continued use of the venue facilities.
Email your order to by 11am
New Menu!  
The Dish menu has been updated effective 13 June. The $20 lunch menu (includes a drink) can be downloaded here.
Penny Jacks - Predator Free Dunedin
Penny is currently in the role of Project Coordinator for Predator Free Dunedin. Predator Free Dunedin is made up of 3 groups - North, Peninsula & City. With various goals including eradicating possums from the Peninsula, zero density possums, and for the City to act as a buffer for the other 2 groups - preventing possums getting to the other 2 areas, they have big projects on the go. They started the buffer in the outer areas and worked their way in. 
A lot of their work is done by volunteers - trappers, one off volunteers and researchers. They currently have 15,000 devices on the ground in their areas. 
Their aim with their traps is to kill pests humanely - meaning quickly, and not prolonging suffering. 
It was noted by a member that they had noticed the decline in possums over the years in the area that they have lived for some time and Penny was happy to hear about this progress that had been made. 
Penny talked about how members of the community can partake in pest eradication. “Spotlight on Possums” is running from 15th - 23rd June - where the public can go out at night and report back on whether they are seeing possums or not - this will help Predator Free Dunedin detect where the last of the possums are. There are signs throughout the Town Belt that you can scan and contribute to bird counting. 
They also support responsible cat ownership with encouragement for cat owners to keep their cats inside at night to prevent them from hunting and other various methods. 
Visit for more. 
Thank you to all our volunteers!
This week we have a team collecting at the Meridian Mall for
Hato Hone St John's annual appeal on
Friday 14th June. 
Events coming up
28 June - from 11am
District 9999 South Island Change Over - Phil Gully hands over to Dave McKissock - Lunch at Edgar Centre- Jonathan Usher MC. See your weekly email from Valda Cordes for registration information or click here for the link
4 July - Rotary Dunedin Changeover- evening meeting at Petridish with a meal and a show. Come along to celebrate as President Katie hands over to Anna our incoming President for the 2024-2025 year.
Interested in being a sponsor?
Download the website sponsorship guide
Lizzie Scott is the founder of 'CaringStay'- a network of private homes who offer respite care for individuals in need.  
Future speakers
If you would like to hear from a particular speaker or have any speaker suggestions please advise John Drummond 
Link to our Speaker List April-June - Use it to invite friends to club meetings! 
Jun 13, 2024
CaringStay: respite care in private homes (via Zoom)
Jun 20, 2024
The State of the Game (1869: 1st game of rugby in NZ)
Jun 27, 2024
Jul 04, 2024
President Katie hands over to President Elect Anna
View entire list
If you would like to hear a particular speaker, or have any speaker suggestions please email John Drummond 

Duty Roster

Follow this link to the Duty Roster. 

The five week roster is the most accurate and members are urged to check the Duty Roster webpage regularly.


SPEAKER HOSTS please remember to send a summary of the Speakers presentation complete with photo to Fiona
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Join Date
William Thompson
June 1, 1992
32 years
Murray Bayly
June 3, 2004
20 years
Rick Wellington
June 6, 2013
11 years
Neville Horne
June 13, 1974
50 years
Keep Up With Us
Are you interested in going on a mid winter tramp?
for more information contact Malcolm Liddell
Please note:
Bulletin Editor Fiona's new email address