28 January 2024
Bulletin Editor
Fiona Nyhof
Club Information
Thursdays at 12:00 PM
8 Stafford Street
Dunedin,  9016
New Zealand
Venue Map
Meeting Attendance
Members are encouraged to attend Thursday lunch meetings whenever they can. They are an opportunity for fellowship, to hear interesting speakers, and to catch up with our Club activities.
Remember that if you are unable to join our lunch meetings in person, we can still provide a Zoom option. Please contact President Katie for details of the link to use.

Programme  January- March

Thursday 1 February: Hugh O’Neill: Under Sail: skippering the tall ships Sir Winston Churchill and Malcolm Miller. 
Thursday 8 February: David McKenzie: Dunedin Night Shelter 
Wednesday 14 February: 5.30pm: Offsite meeting at Rescue Helicopters, Taieri Aerodrome 
Thursday 15 February: Sally Aldrich: Genetic disorders 
Thursday 22 February: RYLA and Science Fair reports 
Thursday 29 February: Jonathan Usher: The J.R.Mckenzie Fund 
Thursday 7 March: Debate: That the parliamentary term be increased to four years. Speakers Ron Mackintosh and Steve Hydes
Thursday 14 March: Scott Mason: Why we need a capital gains tax
Thursday 21 March: David Black: Rotary World Community Service 
Thursday 28 March: Geoff Simons: The Masters’ Games in Dunedin 

If you would like to hear a particular speaker, or have any speaker suggestions please email John Drummond

Meal Orders @ the dish cafe
The café has noted that many of our Rotary members and guests are now ordering on arrival.  This makes it difficult for them  to manage staffing levels and keep up the level of service for us, as well as their other guests.  
As a club, we appreciate the use of the venue facilities free of charge. To maintain this it is appreciated if you would please remember to pre-order your food and drink from the menu ahead of time!
Email your order to by 11am
The Dish menu.
The $20 lunch menu (includes a drink) can be downloaded from here
Jan 25th 2024, Fellowship meeting
We enjoyed a welcome back fellowship meeting at our first Thursday meeting for 2024 on Jan 25th.
Enjoying a chat are from left, Don McEwan, Peter Jackson, President Katie and Malcolm Liddell.
A copy of our freshly published Feb-March speaker schedule was shared, and it is looking great. John Drummond, our speaker scheduler encouraged us to share and distribute this 'invitation' to our lunch meetings to at least two other people we know who may be interested.
We have some great speakers and special events coming up.  Let's encourage more people to our meetings! 
A PDF version of the professionally produced speaker schedule will be circulated to members via email, and hard copies are available at lunch meetings. 
Special events coming up
mark your calendars now! 
Visit to Rescue Helicopters,
14 Feb Taieri Aerodrome, 5.30pm
Add text here
Quiz night 27 FEB, 7.30pm 
Otago Golf Club
The Community Project Group are holding their annual fund raiser quiz night on Tuesday the 27th of February.
It is not too soon to be asking family, friends and colleagues to join you in a team or even entering a team of their own. 
The other matter you can help with is donating raffle prizes - check out your cupboards for attractive items for which you have no need.
Please contact Bruce Collier to register a team ($10pp) or notify him you have goods to donate, thank you!  Email:
Rotary Wine Tour, 8-10 March
The 5th annual Rotary Walking Wine Trail is coming up on the weekend of the 8th to 10th of March in Cromwell.
For those that have been, you already know that this is an event not to be missed.  For those that haven’t been, you’ve been missing out!  It’s a great fun social weekend wining and dining at some amazing establishments in Central Otago.  If you are interested in attending, please register your interest no later than Friday 9 February 2024 by emailing
Any questions, please let Jonathan know.
South Island Rotary Conference 2024 - Creating Hope  
Christchurch, Saturday 20 April.
Venue: Te Pae, the Christchurch Convention Centre, in the Waitaki Room
Time & Date: 8.50am to 3pm on Saturday 20 April
Tickets: The Earlybird tickets will be available online from the end of the month until the 1st March (we will send the link to all members when it is available)
•    $120 for Rotarians or Partners of Rotarians ($30 earlybird discount)
•    $150 for non-Rotarians ($30 earlybird discount)
•    $100 for Rotaractors or attendees of RYLA in 2023 or 2024 ($20 earlybird discount)
•    $100 for attending the Long Lunch only from 11.30am to 1.30pm ($20 Earlybird discount)
Key points:
•    Some home hosting by Christchurch Rotarians will be available (details to come)
•    Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger will open the Conference
•    Matt Chisholm will be the Mental Health keynote speaker
•    Adele Keefe will be speaking on Empowering Women and Girls
•    Jennifer Jones will be speaking at the Long Lunch and will be available to talk informally with people immediately after 3pm
•    There will be an option for evening drinks and/or a meal at a nearby restaurant/bar (own cost)
•    Non-Rotarians are welcome/encouraged to attend, so invite your friends.
OUT and ABOUT with Rotary Dunedin
The Rotary Cairn on the Southern Motorway overbridge at Fairfield on the Old Brighton Road. The cairn was erected by the Rotary Club of Dunedin to commemorate 100 years of Rotary International, 23 February 1905 to 2005, and to Welcome all to the City of Dunedin.
Overgrown foliage has made it difficult to see the cairn from the motorway.
The Community Project's team has tidied the Northern Motorway cairn and is planning a clean up of the foliage around  this cairn soon.
Note: if you have pictures and stories to share about places you've seen or been to recently, please forward to Fiona, bulletin editor at
Interested in being a sponsor?
Download the website sponsorship guide
Hugh O'Neill
Skippering the tall ships
Feb 01, 2024
Under Sail: skippering the tall ships Sir Winston Churchill and Malcolm Miller
Feb 08, 2024
Dunedin Night Shelter
Feb 14, 2024 5:30 PM
Feb 15, 2024
Genetic disorders
Feb 22, 2024
Feb 29, 2024
The J.R.Mckenzie Fund
Mar 07, 2024
Debate: That the parliamentary term be increased to four years
Mar 14, 2024
Why we need a capital gains tax
View entire list

Duty Roster

Follow this link to the Duty Roster. 

The five week roster is the most accurate and members are urged to check the Duty Roster webpage regularly.


SPEAKER HOSTS please remember to send a summary of the Speakers presentation complete with photo to Fiona
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Brian Daniels
January 6
Brenda Harwood
January 7
Craig Radford
January 30
Join Date
Jackie St John
January 27, 2005
19 years
John Drummond
January 31, 2008
16 years
Keep Up With Us
Volunteering OpportunitiesVolunteer Images - Free Download on Freepik 
Fri 16 Feb
An activity is being planned on Friday 16 Feb with student volunteers from the Otago Medical Student Association.  
Sat 9 March
Otago Southland Child Cancer Appeal at Otago Farmers Market. Please contact David Neill ( if you can sign up for a slot between 8am and 12pm. 
Can you help?
 5 Mar - 6 Mar
Fellow Rotarian Deb Gimblett (Christchurch based) is asking if there are any Rotarians willing to host three people overnight on Tuesday 5th March - she is attending the Pink concert here in Dunedin and the accommodation requirement is for her daughter Jenn, her wife Kelly, and herself. They will arrive in the afternoon of Tuesday 5th March and leave first thing on the Wednesday morning. She is offering to pay the host directly or donate to their club or foundation, $150 - $180 for the night.
Please contact Deb directly if you can help.
021 105 6139
HOST FAMILY SOUGHT for visiting teen mid-late July 
A host family, preferably with teenage kids is being sought for a young student from Germany who has Rotary connections.
14 year old Leopold Staude is planning a New Zealand visit during his summer holidays, he'll be arriving in Dunedin mid July and wants to stay until the end of July. He'd like to stay with a family preferably with kids of similar age. If you or someone you know could provide a home stay like this, please contact Ah Lek Tay (Email below).
The Rotary family connection is that Leopold's grandfather and Fraser Morrison,  who was a Rotary Dunedin club member, met and formed a lasting friendship towards the end of WW2. Leopold's father is a Rotarian in Leipzig, Germany, and he met with our DG,  Ah-Lek Tay last year at the Rotary International Convention in Melbourne. 
It would be great if we can find a home stay for Leopold. More information can be provided if required. Please Contact Ah-Lek Tay: email:
Rotary International Convention, Singapore, 25-29 May 2024.