5 May 2024
Bulletin Editor
Fiona Nyhof
Club Information
Thursdays at 12:00 PM
8 Stafford Street
Dunedin,  9016
New Zealand
Venue Map
Meeting Attendance
Members are encouraged to attend Thursday lunch meetings whenever they can. They are an opportunity for fellowship, to hear interesting speakers, and to catch up with our Club activities.
Remember that if you are unable to join our lunch meetings in person, we can still provide a Zoom option. Please contact President Katie for details of the link to use.
Meal Orders @ the dish cafe-
Please remember to pre-order your food and drink from the menu ahead of time.
New message from the cafe, April 2024
1. Pre-orders help us to be able to provide the service that you are all expecting and that we are happy with. 
2.When we receive orders at the counter it also affects our regular customers and their wait time. 
3.If we receive an order at the counter, it will come out after all the pre-orders and customer orders are complete, so there may be significant delays. 
For members and friends/guests who choose to come along but not purchase a Rotary lunch, a $5 contribution to room hire is applied by the cafe (see menu).  As a club, we appreciate the continued use of the venue facilities.
Email your order to by 11am
The Dish menu has been updated April 2024
The $20 lunch menu (includes a drink) can be
downloaded here.
Last week's speaker, Hannah Drury
Hannah Drury gave us a very interesting and informative talk about her role as an educator with the NZ Marine Studies Centre located at Portobello at the University of Otago's Marine Science Department. Hannah is passionate about everything to do with the ocean and shared that passion with us. She told us not only about the history of the Portobello Marine Aquarium since it's instigation in the early 1900's to where it is today as a cutting-edge marine science laboratory and learning centre. 
Hannah is responsible for the development and delivery of Marine Science education programmes for primary schools and community interest groups. Here is a summary of the key points of her presentation which was accompanied with a great slide show.
1904 Portobello Marine Fish Hatchery and Biological Station
Portobello Aquarium – Shutdown after Christchurch earthquake
Marine Studies Centre
They educate 15,000 to 18,000 people per year.
One of the largest out-reach programmes in the country.
Have a virtual reality programmes (40 VR headsets)
What they do
Guided tours
Events Workshops and festivals
Natural initiatives
Professional learning and development
Build Connection to the marine environment
Connection to science
Critical thinking
Practical Science Skills
Two-way learning
Public awareness
Public empowerment.
Much of work of the centre is grant funded. They have a mobile marine aquarium called the Aquavan and reach out to schools with fun learning programmes both hands on with the van and using the virtual reality class set Hannah can even take the children on a deep sea dive. They reach out to schools and communities around the South Island including Nelson. 
Hannah told us that youth ranks climate change as the number 1 societal issue.
To learn more visit their webpage Hannah ended by inviting the club to visit! 
Cheese Rolls! 
We are taking orders until the 10th May.
Help us reach the 500doz target! 
Ask all your friends, workmates, relatives and anyone else you know if they'd like to buy some, it would be a pity to miss out on them. 
Our cheese rolls are great value, competitively priced, contain 33% cheese by weight, taste delicious and are made with care for a great cause - funds raised will be allocated for Rotary Dunedin's Rotary Park project.
Just $25 for 3doz or $9 for 1doz
The Cheese Roll Order Form can be downloaded here.
Volunteer to make the cheese rolls! 
Join the production crew, we could do with more people at all three of our production shifts. 
Friday 17th May, 4pm-7.30pm 
Saturday 18th May, 9am-12.30pm 
Saturday 18th May, 1pm- 4.30pm (production)
Use this google form to volunteer, just click here and add your name, or contact Fiona Nyhof (0274821103, or email to add your name.
This week's Cheese Roll Fun Fact
Archeological evidence proves people have been making cheese for over 7000 years!   Maybe people accidentally made cheese by churning camel's milk in a saddle bag, but research with DNA testing of ancient clay pots showed cow milk residues.
Making cheese was a way to preserve the milk.
Current Rotary Dunedin volunteering opportunities
Rotary Park Working Bee
Tuesday 7th May 10am

Peter Jackson will lead a team at Rotary Park for the removal of a fence on Tuesday at 10am-12pm
Meet at the top of the carpark by the water tanks, plan is to get the wire & netting off the posts & roll it up so we can get rid of it.
Peter has some fencing pliers/bolt cutters/standard lifter but be good to have a couple of sets if anyone else has big pliers or bolt cutters in particular. Best to have a good set of gloves.
Any ex farmers will know what to do! Please contact Peter or phone him to volunteer:  0274321888.
 Trees for Families - May 12th
Volunteers are still wanted to help out on the planting day 
(Mother's Day, Sunday May 12th) from 10am-12.30pm at Rotary Park. Location is at the lower end of Rotary Park accessed from Harbour Heights or Connell Street
The volunteer team will 
•    Erect a Gazebo & dismantle it afterwards  
•    Set up trestle’s and support KDB's team
•    Listen to the Speeches and planting Demo 
•    Support people planting – Bring a spade 
•    Help with fitting weed mats, plant guards, stakes and mulching generously around the trees.
Tidy up and pack the Gazebo.
Please contact Brian Daniels to volunteer your help (
If you'd like to plant a tree, order it from Keep Dunedin Beautiful (KDB) using their registration form
Circus Quirkus 2024, 13 May, No more ushers required, Thank you !
Events coming up
Rotary Dunedin Friendship/Fellowship event
May 30th
This will be an intercommittee event to give us the opportunity for fellowship above and beyond lunch meetings. It's a chance to catch up, chat, share news and discuss Rotary, while enjoying some inter-committee competition via fun activities (the inter-committee club challenge trophy will come out!).
It will be held in the early evening (5-7.30pm approx) so we can share a little bit of kai. Friends and family welcome. We have a home host! Location Vauxhall, so nice and easy to get to. Food and drinks will be 'bring a plate' one from each committee, and 'byo'.
Please Contact Anna Thomas to RSVP (027 551 1975, by 27 May.
Interested in being a sponsor?
Download the website sponsorship guide
Gordon Tucker
Gordon doesn't need an introduction to club members! He served as our President 2020-21. He will speak to us this week in his professional capacity as an Investment Advisor at Forsyth Barr about one of his special areas of interest, Environmental, Social and Governance Investing, or ESR.  
Future speakers
If you would like to hear from a particular speaker or have any speaker suggestions please advise John Drummond 
Link to our Speaker List April-June - Use it to invite friends to club meetings! 
May 09, 2024
What is ESG and how does it impact investing?
May 16, 2024
“That Australia should become a province of NZ” John Drummond and Bruce Cowan argue the case for and
May 23, 2024
The impact of the Gold Rush on Dunedin (1861: start of Otago Gold Rush)
May 30, 2024
The international situation – an update
Jun 06, 2024
Predator -free Dunedin
Jun 13, 2024
CaringStay: respite care in private homes (via Zoom)
Jun 20, 2024
The State of the Game (1869: 1st game of rugby in NZ)
Jun 27, 2024
View entire list
If you would like to hear a particular speaker, or have any speaker suggestions please email John Drummond 

Duty Roster

Follow this link to the Duty Roster. 

The five week roster is the most accurate and members are urged to check the Duty Roster webpage regularly.


SPEAKER HOSTS please remember to send a summary of the Speakers presentation complete with photo to Fiona
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Peter Jackson
May 2
Bruce Collier
May 21
Neville Caird
May 26
Join Date
Peter Jackson
May 7, 1987
37 years
David Neill
May 10, 1979
45 years
Don McEwan
May 10, 2012
12 years
Alastair Logan
May 26, 1988
36 years
Keep Up With Us
Rotary International Convention, Singapore, 25-29 May 2024.

Jon Nabb's Run
A NZ Ultra Marathoner, Jon Nabbs, is raising funds for Child Cancer and at the same time hoping to set a Guinness World Record with a run from Bluff to Cape Reinga.
Due to delays, he's now aiming for a May 3rd start date leaving from Bluff. 
Bulletin Editor's new email address
A quote to share from